Our Mission: Affordable Workforce Housing

Colorado is facing an acute affordable housing crisis; in 2022, it was estimated more than 750,000 Colorado households, and nearly one in three households statewide, were cost-burdened. This cost burden imposes individual hardship, challenges for local economies, and social injustice and unrest. In response, state and local leaders have created new tools to increase the supply of affordable housing.

We believe local workers should be able to live where they work without suffering from cost burden and the associated negative outcomes. Individuals and families cannot thrive without affordable and quality housing, nor can the local economies and industries that rely on this essential workforce.

Our mission is to leverage innovative models and financing tools to deliver much-needed affordable workforce housing and alleviate housing challenges statewide.

We believe that our communities can not thrive without equitable and affordable housing, the development of which is our sole focus.

Rent Burden Visualized

Our Expertise

  • We believe that affordable homeownership provides long-term cost stability, allows residents to participate in market economics, and achieves the american dream.

    We leverage innovative models including land trusts, forwards-sale agreements, appreciation sharing, second mortgages, and emerging state and local subsidy to create affordable homeownership opportunities

  • We believe affordable housing is best built by a well-aligned public-private partnership. This can include fee development, special limited partnerships, co-investment, and other creative structures.

    These partnerships often include property tax exemption, a right of first refusal, a prioritization for local workforces, tap and fee waivers, community benefit agreements, and concessionary co-investment.

  • Without access to Low Income Housing Tax Credits, workforce and middle-income housing can require creative capital structures. We helped created the Middle-Income Housing Authority, a first of its kind housing authority to provide a financing mechanism for workforce housing projects.

    We also have a strong understanding of emerging tools including the Middle Income Housing Tax Credit, tax-exempt bonds, and Proposition 123 Equity.

Affordable housing is the cornerstone of vibrant, thriving communities. These individuals—healthcare providers, educators, emergency responders, and service workers—are the heart of our society. They ensure our safety, nurture our well-being, and support our daily lives with dedication and care.

Providing affordable housing allows these essential workers to live closer to their workplaces, reducing commute times and stress. This improves their quality of life and enhances their ability to serve our communities effectively. By investing in affordable housing for the essential workforce, we strengthen the fabric of our society, fostering a more resilient and compassionate community for all.